Harrisburg University
Step | Proposed Steps |
1 | Use representative pilot data. |
2 | Calculate standard error of each of the items in the pilot data. Using the 40%, determine the cutoff and stopping rule for the standard error of the items. |
3 | Create bootstrapped samples of your pilot data starting with at least 20 participants up to a maximum number of participants. |
4 | Calculate the standard error of each of the items in the bootstrapped data. From these scores, calculate the percent of items below the cutoff score from Step 2. |
5 | Determine the sample size at which 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% of items are below the cutoff score. Use the correction formula to adjust your proposed sample size based on pilot data size, power, and percent variability. |
6 | Report all values. Designate one as the minimum sample size, the cutoff score as the stopping rule for adaptive designs, and the maximum sample size. |
as part of a larger projectdevtools::install_github("SemanticPriming/semanticprimeR")
cutoff <- calculate_cutoff(population = elp_use, # pilot data or simulated data
grouping_items = "Stimulus", # name of the item indicator column
score = "RT", # name of the dependent variable column
minimum = min(elp_use$RT), # minimum possible/found score
maximum = max(elp_use$RT)) # maximum possible/found score
[1] 56.83131 58.59754 38.40305 69.22966 76.96831 51.80277 89.16515
[8] 55.81059 36.93046 80.47134 42.17122 17.72957 39.32024 46.65783
[15] 72.07065 248.68735 93.89229 89.69502 46.02416 87.82424 140.39440
[22] 24.65804 45.83884 51.05279 36.09320 56.19962 79.21760 41.87754
[29] 59.16929 32.45934 62.30085 21.44458 30.91690 37.13134 55.69565
[36] 39.11986 66.73485 77.64671 34.97541 208.74359
[1] 45.19364
[1] 0.02466902
samples <- bootstrap_samples(start = 20, # starting sample size
stop = 100, # stopping sample size
increase = 5, # increase bootstrapped samples by this amount
population = elp_use, # population or pilot data
replace = TRUE, # bootstrap with replacement?
nsim = 500, # number of simulations to run
grouping_items = "Stimulus") # item column label
# A tibble: 6 × 6
# Groups: Stimulus [1]
Trial Type Accuracy RT Stimulus Participant
<int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
1 1521 1 1 563 admirable participant629
2 2512 1 1 692 admirable participant63
3 3078 1 1 781 admirable participant102
4 2354 1 1 635 admirable participant39
5 634 1 1 463 admirable participant344
6 2274 1 1 729 admirable participant404
proportion_summary <- calculate_proportion(samples = samples, # samples list
cutoff = cutoff$cutoff, # cut off score
grouping_items = "Stimulus", # item column name
score = "RT") # dependent variable column name
# A tibble: 6 × 2
sample_size percent_below
<dbl> <dbl>
1 20 0.35
2 25 0.375
3 30 0.425
4 35 0.5
5 40 0.575
6 45 0.7
corrected_summary <- calculate_correction(
proportion_summary = proportion_summary, # prop from above
pilot_sample_size = pilot_size_e, # number of participants in the pilot data
proportion_variability = cutoff$prop_var, # proportion variance from cutoff scores
power_levels = c(80, 85, 90, 95)) # what levels of power to calculate
# A tibble: 3 × 3
percent_below sample_size corrected_sample_size
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 82.5 80 74.1
2 90 90 82.3
3 90 90 82.3
Information | Likert | Percent | Milliseconds |
Minimum | 1.00 | 0 | 0 |
Maximum | 7.00 | 100 | 3000 |
Mu | 4.00 | 50 | 1000 |
Skewed Mu | 6.00 | 85 | 2500 |
Sigma Mu | 0.25 | 10 | 150 |
Sigma | 2.00 | 25 | 400 |
Small Sigma Sigma | 0.20 | 4 | 50 |
Medium Sigma Sigma | 0.40 | 8 | 100 |
Large Sigma Sigma | 0.80 | 16 | 200 |
\[ 1 - \sqrt{\frac{N_{Pilot} - min(N_{Simulation})}{N_{Pilot}}}^{log_2(N_{Pilot})}\]
Term | Estimate | SE | t | p |
Intercept | 206.589 | 128.861 | 1.603 | .109 |
Projected Sample Size | 0.368 | 0.005 | 71.269 | < .001 |
Pilot Sample Size | -0.770 | 0.013 | -59.393 | < .001 |
Log2 Projected Sample Size | 27.541 | 0.552 | 49.883 | < .001 |
Log2 Pilot Sample Size | 2.583 | 0.547 | 4.725 | < .001 |
Log2 Power | -66.151 | 25.760 | -2.568 | .010 |
Proportion Variability | 16.405 | 6.005 | 2.732 | .006 |
Log2 Proportion Variability | -1.367 | 0.382 | -3.577 | < .001 |
Power | 1.088 | 0.426 | 2.552 | .011 |